My name is Mpho Mphego. An Electronic Engineer turned Software Engineer (Now Data Engineer) with a passion for automation, innovation and engineering.
I have been working with Python professionally since 2013 (8+ years), primarily focusing on backend development and currently employed as a Data Engineer.
I was previously employed by SKA (Square Kilometer Array) aka SARAO (South African Radio Astronomy Observatory) as a Senior Software Engineer.
Prior to that I was part of the Marion Island expeditio, you can read up about my expedition experience here : Marion Island 71st Expedition

I created this blog to keep track of all if not most of the things I'm learning. In the past couple of years or so, I started to learn a lot about different aspects of software development. I wanted to be able to track my progress and accomplishments.
My goal is to, at least post something twice in a month. Hopefully I can even improve on that.
I write about what I am currently learning, things that interest me by doing that I ensure that the knowledge I gain is fully retained and shared to anyone that shares the same interest as me.

My personal and work projects can be accessed on my GitHub page. My personal blog page is a very good place to see some of my work and current things I am learning.

I also have an old Wordpress blog, and most of the posts have been migrated to, I have left some old travelling documented trips to Marion Island, that I'll leave such that I can have a reference to it somewhere.

More about me

You can find me at Twitter, and Github..
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Should you want to link up with me for work, you are welcome to use these options below

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You can email me or find me on LinkedIn if you want to get in touch. As I said, I love meeting new people so don't hesitate to send a message!

If you'd like to set up a meeting with me, drop me a mail and we will schedule a meeting based on your availability.

You can also send me a quick message using the form below:

Please do not use this form to send me full code samples or ask me to fix your app for free. Due to the volume of questions I receive I unfortunately cannot offer free support.