100daysofcode (2)

2020 In Retrospective
I Completed My #100daysofcode Challenge, Now What!

 AI (10)

2020 In Retrospective
Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course
TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)
Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
Face Mask Detection Using Intel OpenVINO And OpenCV
AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1

 AVR and C (1)

Digital 0-30V Multimeter and Ohm-meter

 AWS (6)

How To Connect To AWS Athena Using DBeaver Community Edition Via AWS SSO
How To Verify Data Quality On Tables Landed On AWS Data Lake And Data Warehouse
How To Efficiently Extract Tables From MSSQL Server To A Data Lake
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 1)
Note To Self: How To Delete AWS SageMaker's Endpoint With MonitoringSchedule
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree

 Airflow (1)

How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow

 Amazon Alexa (1)

[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino

 Android (1)

How I Uninstalled YouTube From Android TV

 Android App (1)

Android WebView App (to Apache server)

 Android Studio (1)

Android WebView App (to Apache server)

 Ansible (3)

How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 1)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 2)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)

 Arduino (1)

Getting started with Nodemcu in Arduino IDE

 AtMega (1)

Led blinking program with ATmega128, AVR Studio 6 and ISIS Proteus

 Athena (1)

How To Connect To AWS Athena Using DBeaver Community Edition Via AWS SSO

 Atmel AVR (1)

Led blinking program with ATmega128, AVR Studio 6 and ISIS Proteus

 Automation (4)

How To Automate Jira And Confluence Using Python
I Built An Automated Irrigation System, Because Im Lazy!
How To Encrypt Multiple Files With Travis CI
Automating The Creation Of Projects With Python

 Bash (12)

What is your 10 common Linux commands?
Useful Bash Aliases and Functions
Automatically check your Python code for errors before committing
How to rename git branch locally and remotely
Add Git branch name and last updated to bash prompt
Reverse sort order of a multicolumn file in BASH
How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll
How to Turn Your Ubuntu Laptop into a Wireless Access Point
Allow users of a certain group to run a command without sudo passwd
System V init script(start-stop-daemon)
Ubuntu media server WakeOnLan
Move files by date into different directory using CLI

 C/C++ (1)

Led blinking program with ATmega128, AVR Studio 6 and ISIS Proteus

 Cloud Developer (1)

My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree

 Cloud Native (1)

FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree

 Continuous Integration (8)

Note To Self: How To Get A Complete Plugin List From Jenkins
How To Encrypt Multiple Files With Travis CI
SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port
Installing Docker on Ubuntu and how to use it without sudo
Jenkins - Add Color to Console Output
How to stop Jenkins CI build by extract a value from a JSON endpoint in bash using Curl
How to make Git commit to trigger a job/build in Jenkins CI
Python's Virtualenv working with Jenkins

 Continuous Learning (1)

I Signed Up For A Udacity's Digital Marketing Nano Degree, Here's Why!

 Coursera (2)

2020 In Retrospective
Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course

 DBeaver (1)

How To Connect To AWS Athena Using DBeaver Community Edition Via AWS SSO

 Data Engineering (4)

How To Connect To AWS Athena Using DBeaver Community Edition Via AWS SSO
How To Verify Data Quality On Tables Landed On AWS Data Lake And Data Warehouse
How To Efficiently Extract Tables From MSSQL Server To A Data Lake
How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow

 Data Lake (2)

How To Verify Data Quality On Tables Landed On AWS Data Lake And Data Warehouse
How To Efficiently Extract Tables From MSSQL Server To A Data Lake

 Data Warehouse (1)

How To Verify Data Quality On Tables Landed On AWS Data Lake And Data Warehouse

 Data Wrangling (1)

How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow

 DataCamp (1)

2020 In Retrospective

 Deep Learning (8)

2020 In Retrospective
Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course
TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)
Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
Face Blurring Using Scikit-image Cascade Classifiers
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit

 DevOps (15)

Managing Jenkins Plugins
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 1)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 2)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)
Note To Self: How To Get A Complete Plugin List From Jenkins
Lunch And Learn - Security Hardening For Your Docker Environment
Lunch 'n Learn: Docker And Docker Compose (Noobs)
How To Configure Distributed Tracing With Jaeger On Kubernetes Cluster
Note To Self: How To Fix A VirtualBox Machine With The Name 'dashboard' Already Exists.
How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible. [Continues]
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible
Note To Self: How To Stop A Running Pod On Kubernetes
How And Why, I Moved From Docker Hub To GitHub Docker Registry.
Install Prometheus & Grafana With Helm 3 On Kubernetes Cluster Running On Vagrant VM

 Digital Marketing (1)

I Signed Up For A Udacity's Digital Marketing Nano Degree, Here's Why!

 Digital Signal processing (1)

Noise filtering using MATLAB

 Docker (29)

How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 1)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 2)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)
Note To Self: How To Get A Complete Plugin List From Jenkins
Lunch And Learn - Security Hardening For Your Docker Environment
Lunch 'n Learn: Docker And Docker Compose (Noobs)
How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow
FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree
Note To Self: How To Fix `CreateContainerError` On All Pods
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible. [Continues]
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible
How And Why, I Moved From Docker Hub To GitHub Docker Registry.
How I Hardened The Security Of My Docker Environment
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
Face Mask Detection Using Intel OpenVINO And OpenCV
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree
How I Am Deleting Old Tweets Automagically!
How I Managed To Remove Dependent Child Images Of A Docker Container
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.
My Docker container has no internet
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
So I gave a talk at the DevOpsDays conference the other day!
How I configured SonarQube for Python code analysis with Jenkins and Docker
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)
One liner to stop and delete all of Docker containers
How to securely backup your Jenkins Configuration
Installing Docker on Ubuntu and how to use it without sudo
Docker: Remove all images and containers

 Docker Registry (1)

How And Why, I Moved From Docker Hub To GitHub Docker Registry.

 ETL (1)

How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow

 FPGAs (3)

Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux
Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3
My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.

 Git (12)

How To Fork A Subdirectory Of Repo As A Different Repo On GitHub
How To Fetch All Git Branches
How to create a GitHub pull requests from the CLI
Better Commit Messages using Templates
Automatically check your Python code for errors before committing
How to rename git branch locally and remotely
Add Git branch name and last updated to bash prompt
Create a global git commit hook
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced!
How to ignore files only locally in git?
How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]?
How to make Git commit to trigger a job/build in Jenkins CI

 GitHub (4)

How And Why, I Moved From Docker Hub To GitHub Docker Registry.
How To Fork A Subdirectory Of Repo As A Different Repo On GitHub
How To Make Your GitHub Profile Look Fancy
How To Sign Your Commits On GitHub With GPG

 Grafana (1)

How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities

 Hacks (11)

How to install Python 3.7.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
One liner to stop and delete all of Docker containers
Running code at IPython Startup
What is your 10 common Linux commands?
Useful Bash Aliases and Functions
Automatically check your Python code for errors before committing
How to rename git branch locally and remotely
Add Git branch name and last updated to bash prompt
Reverse sort order of a multicolumn file in BASH
How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll
How to Turn Your Ubuntu Laptop into a Wireless Access Point

 How-to (1)

How I Uninstalled YouTube From Android TV

 I2C (1)

RPi enabling I2C communication

 I2C bus (1)

RPi enabling I2C communication

 Jaeger (2)

How To Configure Distributed Tracing With Jaeger On Kubernetes Cluster
How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities

 Jenkins (5)

Managing Jenkins Plugins
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 1)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 2)
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)
Note To Self: How To Get A Complete Plugin List From Jenkins

 JenkinsCI (11)

How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
So I gave a talk at the DevOpsDays conference the other day!
How I configured SonarQube for Python code analysis with Jenkins and Docker
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)
How to securely backup your Jenkins Configuration
How I got rid of the dreaded 'Too many open files' ERROR.
SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port
Jenkins - Add Color to Console Output
How to stop Jenkins CI build by extract a value from a JSON endpoint in bash using Curl
How to make Git commit to trigger a job/build in Jenkins CI
Python's Virtualenv working with Jenkins

 Jira (3)

How To Automate Jira And Confluence Using Python
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)

 K8s (1)

Install Prometheus & Grafana With Helm 3 On Kubernetes Cluster Running On Vagrant VM

 Kmeaw (1)

PS3_ Rogero CFW 4.4 upgraded to Rebug 4.41.2 Lite

 Kubernetes (9)

FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree
How To Configure Distributed Tracing With Jaeger On Kubernetes Cluster
How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities
Note To Self: How To Fix `CreateContainerError` On All Pods
Note To Self: How To Stop A Running Pod On Kubernetes
Note To Self: Error Loading Config File /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
How And Why, I Moved From Docker Hub To GitHub Docker Registry.
Install Prometheus & Grafana With Helm 3 On Kubernetes Cluster Running On Vagrant VM
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree

 LCD (1)

Arduino Temp monitor : 16x2 LCD

 LaTeX doc­u­ment (1)

Include eps in Latex

 Learning (8)

How I Became A Udacity Mentor
2020 In Retrospective
Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course
I Completed My #100daysofcode Challenge, Now What!
AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1

 Learnings (1)

How I Transitioned To Software Engineering From Electrical Engineering

 Life lessons (1)

How I Transitioned To Software Engineering From Electrical Engineering

 Linux (6)

How To Configure Distributed Tracing With Jaeger On Kubernetes Cluster
How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities
Note To Self: How To Fix `CreateContainerError` On All Pods
How to make Ubuntu Local Repository
Send email via Linux Terminal[Ubuntu]
ArchLinux4.0: Setting MTU with netctl

 Linux/Ubuntu (43)

How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.
How I increased my productivity using dotfiles
My Docker container has no internet
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
Better Commit Messages using Templates
So I gave a talk at the DevOpsDays conference the other day!
How I configured SonarQube for Python code analysis with Jenkins and Docker
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)
How to install Python 3.7.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
One liner to stop and delete all of Docker containers
Running code at IPython Startup
What is your 10 common Linux commands?
Useful Bash Aliases and Functions
Automatically check your Python code for errors before committing
How to rename git branch locally and remotely
Add Git branch name and last updated to bash prompt
How to securely backup your Jenkins Configuration
How to Turn Your Ubuntu Laptop into a Wireless Access Point
How I got rid of the dreaded 'Too many open files' ERROR.
SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port
Installing Docker on Ubuntu and how to use it without sudo
Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux
Configure IPython5 to have IPython3's readline, tab-completion, (lack-of) syntax highlighting, etc? (self.IPython)
How to mount remote SSHFS via SSH Tunneling!
Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory.
Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3
My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.
How do I change the hostname without a restart?
Docker: Remove all images and containers
Create a global git commit hook
Why am I getting 'Errno(105): No buffer space available' when subscribing to multicast addresses?
Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced!
How to ignore files only locally in git?
How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]?
Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper]
Diagnosing LAN Speeds
Jenkins - Add Color to Console Output
How to stop Jenkins CI build by extract a value from a JSON endpoint in bash using Curl
How to make Git commit to trigger a job/build in Jenkins CI
Allow users of a certain group to run a command without sudo passwd
How do I find my optimum MTU setting?

 Lunch and Learn (2)

Lunch And Learn - Security Hardening For Your Docker Environment
Lunch 'n Learn: Docker And Docker Compose (Noobs)

 MQTT (1)

How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO

 Machine Learning (9)

Note To Self: How To Delete AWS SageMaker's Endpoint With MonitoringSchedule
2020 In Retrospective
TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)
Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
Face Blurring Using Scikit-image Cascade Classifiers
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1

 Makefile (2)

How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)
Why You Should Add Makefile Into Your Python Project

 Matlab (1)

Noise filtering using MATLAB

 Mentorship (1)

How I Became A Udacity Mentor

 MicroPython (1)

I Built An Automated Irrigation System, Because Im Lazy!

 MonitoringML (1)

Note To Self: How To Delete AWS SageMaker's Endpoint With MonitoringSchedule

 Multiman (1)

PS3_ Rogero CFW 4.4 upgraded to Rebug 4.41.2 Lite

 NFS Server (2)

Ubuntu media server WakeOnLan
Install and configure NFS server on Ubuntu for serving files

 Network Perfomance (1)

Diagnosing LAN Speeds

 NodeJS (1)

My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree

 NodeMCU (1)

Getting started with Nodemcu in Arduino IDE

 Notes (1)

Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course

 Observability (1)

Install Prometheus & Grafana With Helm 3 On Kubernetes Cluster Running On Vagrant VM

 OpenCV (2)

How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
Face Mask Detection Using Intel OpenVINO And OpenCV

 OpenVINO (4)

Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
Face Mask Detection Using Intel OpenVINO And OpenCV

 PS3 (2)

Rogero 4.50 to Rogero 4.55 with Multiman 4.55 and COD:Ghost
PS3_ Rogero CFW 4.4 upgraded to Rebug 4.41.2 Lite

 Personal (7)

The Internet is full of chimpanzees.
How I managed to harness Imposter Syndrome!
So I gave a talk at the DevOpsDays conference the other day!
How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll
First post!
Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper]
Save to Dropbox from the Chrome right-click menu[Trick]

 PostgreSQL (1)

How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow

 Professional (4)

How I managed to harness Imposter Syndrome!
First post!
Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper]
Save to Dropbox from the Chrome right-click menu[Trick]

 Prometheus (1)

How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities

 PyPI (2)

How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible. [Continues]
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible

 Python (29)

How To Automate Jira And Confluence Using Python
How I Setup Jenkins On Docker Container Using Ansible (Part 3)
How To Build An ETL Using Python, Docker, PostgreSQL And Airflow
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible. [Continues]
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible
TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)
Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
Why You Should Add Makefile Into Your Python Project
Face Blurring Using Scikit-image Cascade Classifiers
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How I Deployed A People Counter App At The Edge Using Intel OpenVINO
Face Mask Detection Using Intel OpenVINO And OpenCV
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1
I Built An Automated Irrigation System, Because Im Lazy!
How To Sign Your Commits On GitHub With GPG
Automating The Creation Of Projects With Python
Automate Boring Things With Python And Selenium
How I Resolved Selenium Geckodriver Webdriver Exception
Send Slack messages with Python.
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
How I configured SonarQube for Python code analysis with Jenkins and Docker
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)
How to install Python 3.7.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Running code at IPython Startup
[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Configure IPython5 to have IPython3's readline, tab-completion, (lack-of) syntax highlighting, etc? (self.IPython)
Python's Virtualenv working with Jenkins

 Pytorch (2)

My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1

 Q&A (1)

FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree

 Raspberry Pi (2)

[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Smart Doorbell using RPi with voice and email notification.

 Rebug (1)

PS3_ Rogero CFW 4.4 upgraded to Rebug 4.41.2 Lite

 Retrospective (2)

2021 In Retrospective.
2020 In Retrospective

 Rogero (2)

Rogero 4.50 to Rogero 4.55 with Multiman 4.55 and COD:Ghost
PS3_ Rogero CFW 4.4 upgraded to Rebug 4.41.2 Lite

 SageMaker (1)

Note To Self: How To Delete AWS SageMaker's Endpoint With MonitoringSchedule

 Scikit learn (1)

Face Blurring Using Scikit-image Cascade Classifiers

 Security (3)

Lunch And Learn - Security Hardening For Your Docker Environment
How I Hardened The Security Of My Docker Environment
How To Sign Your Commits On GitHub With GPG

 Serverless (1)

My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree

 SonarQube (2)

So I gave a talk at the DevOpsDays conference the other day!
How I configured SonarQube for Python code analysis with Jenkins and Docker

 Talk (2)

Lunch And Learn - Security Hardening For Your Docker Environment
Lunch 'n Learn: Docker And Docker Compose (Noobs)

 TensorFlow (2)

Personal Notes From Deeplearning.ai Specialization Course
TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)

 Tips and Tricks (11)

How I Uninstalled YouTube From Android TV
How To Configure Distributed Tracing With Jaeger On Kubernetes Cluster
Note To Self: How To Fix A VirtualBox Machine With The Name 'dashboard' Already Exists.
How To Configure Jaeger Data Source On Grafana And Debug Network Issues With Bind-utilities
Note To Self: How To Fix `CreateContainerError` On All Pods
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible. [Continues]
How I Setup A Private Local PyPI Server Using Docker And Ansible
Note To Self: How To Stop A Running Pod On Kubernetes
Note To Self: Error Loading Config File /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
How I Hardened The Security Of My Docker Environment
How To Fork A Subdirectory Of Repo As A Different Repo On GitHub

 Tips/Tricks (43)

TensorFlow Tutorial Using Fashion MNIST (A Beginners Guide)
Create A Face Detection Application With Less Than 10 Lines Of Code
Why You Should Add Makefile Into Your Python Project
Face Blurring Using Scikit-image Cascade Classifiers
How I Deployed A Computer Pointer Controller Using Gaze Estimation
How To Make Your GitHub Profile Look Fancy
How To Upgrade From Ubuntu 18.04 To 20.04
How I Am Deleting Old Tweets Automagically!
How I Managed To Remove Dependent Child Images Of A Docker Container
How To Fetch All Git Branches
I Built An Automated Irrigation System, Because Im Lazy!
Resolving Ubuntu's 'The Following Packages Have Unmet Dependencies' error.
How To Encrypt Multiple Files With Travis CI
How To Sign Your Commits On GitHub With GPG
Automating The Creation Of Projects With Python
Automate Boring Things With Python And Selenium
How I Resolved Selenium Geckodriver Webdriver Exception
Send Slack messages with Python.
How I published/deployed my Python package to PYPI easily.
How I increased my productivity using dotfiles
How I managed to install [X]Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 on my new XPS 15
How to create a GitHub pull requests from the CLI
My Docker container has no internet
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (2 of 2)
Better Commit Messages using Templates
How I configured Jenkins CI server in a Docker container (1 of 2)
How to install Python 3.7.0 in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
One liner to stop and delete all of Docker containers
Running code at IPython Startup
What is your 10 common Linux commands?
Useful Bash Aliases and Functions
Automatically check your Python code for errors before committing
How to rename git branch locally and remotely
Add Git branch name and last updated to bash prompt
Reverse sort order of a multicolumn file in BASH
[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino
How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll
How to Turn Your Ubuntu Laptop into a Wireless Access Point
How to make Git commit to trigger a job/build in Jenkins CI
How to make Ubuntu Local Repository
Send email via Linux Terminal[Ubuntu]
How do I find my optimum MTU setting?
Save to Dropbox from the Chrome right-click menu[Trick]

 Travis-CI (2)

My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree
How I Am Deleting Old Tweets Automagically!

 Tricks (16)

SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port
Configure IPython5 to have IPython3's readline, tab-completion, (lack-of) syntax highlighting, etc? (self.IPython)
Best way to find direct download links of any media
How to mount remote SSHFS via SSH Tunneling!
Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory.
Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3
How do I change the hostname without a restart?
Docker: Remove all images and containers
Create a global git commit hook
Why am I getting 'Errno(105): No buffer space available' when subscribing to multicast addresses?
Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
How to ignore files only locally in git?
How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]?
Diagnosing LAN Speeds
Allow users of a certain group to run a command without sudo passwd

 Troubleshooting (1)

FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree

 Twitter (1)

How I Am Deleting Old Tweets Automagically!

 Ubuntu (5)

How To Upgrade From Ubuntu 18.04 To 20.04
Resolving Ubuntu's 'The Following Packages Have Unmet Dependencies' error.
How I managed to install [X]Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 on my new XPS 15
How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll
Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory.

 Udacity (8)

I Signed Up For A Udacity's Digital Marketing Nano Degree, Here's Why!
FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree
How I Became A Udacity Mentor
2020 In Retrospective
AI At The Edge - An Introduction To Intel OpenVINO Toolkit
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity Cloud Developer Nanodegree
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 2
My Experience And What I Learned From Udacity AI Programming With Python Nano-Degree: Part 1

 Vagrant (3)

FAQ: Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree
Note To Self: How To Fix A VirtualBox Machine With The Name 'dashboard' Already Exists.
Install Prometheus & Grafana With Helm 3 On Kubernetes Cluster Running On Vagrant VM

 VirtualBox (1)

Note To Self: How To Fix A VirtualBox Machine With The Name 'dashboard' Already Exists.

 Vivado (1)

My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.

 Windows (4)

How I managed to install [X]Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 on my new XPS 15
How to Disable HDD Formatting Option from My Computer
Windows 8’s most annoying features
Badass Windows Virus created using Notepad

 Xilinx (4)

Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux
Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory.
Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3
My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.

 Yearend (1)

2021 In Retrospective.

 Zedboard (3)

Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux
Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3
My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.

 apt-get (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 card game (1)

Memory - Card game

 chroot (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 codeskulptor (1)

Memory - Card game

 dashboard (1)

Node-Red Dashboard running on Nginx port 80

 doorbell (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 dotfiles (1)

How I increased my productivity using dotfiles

 eps images (1)

Include eps in Latex

 esp8266 (2)

[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Getting started with Nodemcu in Arduino IDE

 home automation (2)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi
Arduino Quad Relays : Webserver

 iot (1)

[Project] Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi and Arduino

 k3s (1)

Note To Self: Error Loading Config File /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

 latex (2)

How to install Gummi(LaTex) on ubuntu
Installing Latex on Ubuntu

 linux (5)

Move files by date into different directory using CLI
Install and configure NFS server on Ubuntu for serving files
setting up python-simplegui library
How to install Gummi(LaTex) on ubuntu
Installing Latex on Ubuntu

 memory game (1)

Memory - Card game

 nfs (1)

Install and configure NFS server on Ubuntu for serving files

 nginx (1)

Node-Red Dashboard running on Nginx port 80

 node (2)

Node-Red Dashboard running on Nginx port 80
Installing latest Node.js on Raspberry Pi B+

 node-red (1)

Node-Red Dashboard running on Nginx port 80

 node.js (1)

Installing latest Node.js on Raspberry Pi B+

 nodejs (1)

Installing latest Node.js on Raspberry Pi B+

 nodered (1)

Node-Red Dashboard running on Nginx port 80

 proot (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 push bullet (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 push notification (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 pygame (1)

script to generate BASH scripts

 python (12)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi
Sublime Text useful python snippets
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Smart Doorbell using RPi with voice and email notification.
Memory - Card game
script to generate BASH scripts
1972 Pong "python"
Stopwatch "python"
Guess the number [python]
setting up python-simplegui library
Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock in Python
Python - processing GMail IMAP email

 qemu-user (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 relays (1)

Arduino Quad Relays : Webserver

 simplegui (1)

Memory - Card game

 smart doorbell (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 smart home (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 snippets (1)

Sublime Text useful python snippets

 start-stop-daemon (1)

System V init script(start-stop-daemon)

 stuck in boot (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 sublime text (1)

Sublime Text useful python snippets

 svg (1)

Include eps in Latex

 svg file (1)

Include eps in Latex

 system v init (1)

System V init script(start-stop-daemon)

 systemd (1)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart

 thermistor (2)

Arduino Temp Monitor : Webserver
Arduino Temp monitor : 16x2 LCD

 ubuntu (6)

System V init script(start-stop-daemon)
Ubuntu media server WakeOnLan
Move files by date into different directory using CLI
Install and configure NFS server on Ubuntu for serving files
How to install Gummi(LaTex) on ubuntu
Installing Latex on Ubuntu

 upstart (2)

Raspberry Pi - Stuck in boot after installing upstart
System V init script(start-stop-daemon)

 wakeonlan (1)

Ubuntu media server WakeOnLan

 webserver (2)

Arduino Quad Relays : Webserver
Arduino Temp Monitor : Webserver

 webview (1)

Android WebView App (to Apache server)

 youtube (1)

Smart Doorbell using Raspberry Pi

 zynq-7000 (1)

My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.