So I recently enrolled for a course from on Introduction to Interactive Python, After I received a certificate on Introduction to Python programming instructed by Prof. Charles Severance.
My first mini-project is a simple Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock game.
[sourcecode language="python" wraplines="false" collapse="false"]

# Mini-project #1 - "Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock game"
# Created by Mpho "!nerd" Mphego - Marion Island SANSA Engineer 2014-2015
# 'Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python' Course
# RICE University -
# by Joe Warren, John Greiner, Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner
# Rock-paper-scissors is a surprisingly popular game that many people play seriously
# Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock (RPSLS) is a variant of Rock-paper-scissors that allows -
# five choices. Each choice wins against two other choices, loses against two other choices -
# and ties against itself. Much of RPSLS's popularity is that it has been featured in 3 episodes -
# of the TV series "The Big Bang Theory".
# The Wikipedia entry for RPSLS gives the complete description of the details of the game.

import random
#import math

# Function converting string to number
def name_to_number(name):
if name == "rock":
name = 0
elif name == "Spock":
name = 1
elif name == "paper":
name = 2
elif name == "lizard":
name = 3
# elif name == "scissors":
# name = 4
name = 4
#print "Error"
return name

# Function converting number to string
def number_to_name(number):
if number == 0:
number = "rock"
elif number == 1:
number = "Spock"
elif number == 2:
number = "paper"
elif number == 3:
number = "lizard"
# elif number == 4:
# number = "scissors"
number = "scissors"
# print "Error"
return number

# function to determine the winner
def rpsls(player_choice):
nothing = None

print "\n"
# print out the message for the player's choice
print "Player chooses", player_choice

# convert the player's choice to player_number using the function name_to_number()
player_number = name_to_number(player_choice)
#print player_number #Debugging

# compute random guess for comp_number using random.randrange()
comp_number = random.randrange(0, 5)
#print comp_number #Debugging

# convert comp_number to comp_choice using the function number_to_name()
comp_choice = number_to_name(comp_number)
#print comp_choice #Debugging

# print out the message for computer's choice
print "Computer chooses", comp_choice

# compute difference of comp_number and player_number modulo five

difference = ( comp_number - player_number) % 5
#print difference, comp_number, player_number #Debugging

# use if/elif/else to determine winner, print winner message
if ( difference == 1 or difference == 2 ):
print "Computer Wins!"
elif ( difference == 3 or difference == 4 ):
print "Player Wins!"
else :
print "Computer and Player Ties"
return nothing

# Play five games with random guesses from computer.
