I create scripts on a day to day basis, and I eventually got bored of manually creating scripts from initial phase everytime, hence this master of scripts.

[sourcecode language="bash" wraplines="false" collapse="false"]
# BASH script to generate BASH scripts
# Created by Mpho Mphego

echo "What do you want to call your BASH script?"

echo "#!/bin/bash" | tee ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh
echo "# Filename:$RESPONSE.sh" | tee -a ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh
echo "# The purpose of this script is to ..." | tee -a ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh
echo "# Script written by Mpho Mphego Marion Island SANSA Engineer 2014-2015" | tee -a ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh

sudo chmod +x ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh

sudo ln -s ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh ~/bin/$RESPONSE.sh
sudo chmod +x ~/bin/$RESPONSE.sh

gedit ~/tmp/$RESPONSE.sh