Well as for this week, we were to create some sort of stopwatch game.
Player gets a point when, they hit "stop" button if it stops on seconds.
A bit even more trickier, but challenge was accepted and completed...Hell Yeah.

[sourcecode language="python" wraplines="false" collapse="false"]
#or http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user38_nJvMd8w50P_0.py
# Mini-project #3 - "Stopwatch: The Game"
# Created by Mpho "!nerd" Mphego - Marion Island SANSA Engineer 2014-2015
# 'Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python' Course
# RICE University - https://class.coursera.org/interactivepython-005
# by Joe Warren, John Greiner, Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner
# Our mini-project for this week will focus on combining text drawing in
# the canvas with timers to build a simple digital stopwatch that keeps
# track of the time in tenths of a second. The stopwatch should contain
# "Start", "Stop" and "Reset" buttons.

import simplegui
import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui
# To run simplegui in idle python, install SimpleGUICS2Pygame module
# download module : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SimpleGUICS2Pygame

# define global variables
A_string, B_string, C_string, D_string, count, score, over_all_score = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
started = "No"
clear = "\n" * 100
# define helper function format that converts time
# in tenths of seconds into formatted string A:BC.D
def format(t):
global started, count, D_string, B_string, C_string, A_string
t = count
if started == "Yes":
t = D_string
D_string += 1
if D_string >= 10: #.1 seconds
if D_string == 10:
C_string += 1
if C_string == 10: # seconds
B_string += 1
if B_string >= 6:
A_string += 1
B_string = 0
C_string = 0
D_string = 0
return str(A_string) + ":" + str(B_string) + str(C_string) + "." + str(D_string)

# define event handlers for buttons; "Start", "Stop", "Reset"
def start_button():
global started#, count
started = "No"
#print "Started Button Pressed",started
if started:
started = "Yes"
print "Start Button Pressed"
#print ".10s Timer is Started"#,timer.is_running()

def score_board():
global score, over_all_score
if C_string > 0 and D_string == 0:
score += 1
# print "Good"
#if score > 0:
# score -= 1
# print "You are Loosing"

def stop_button():
global started, A_string, B_string, C_string, D_string, count, score, over_all_score
if started == "Yes":
started = "No"
over_all_score += 1
print "Stop Button Pressed"
#print ".10s Timer is Stopped"#,timer.is_running()

def reset_button():
global started, count, D_string, B_string, C_string , A_string, score, over_all_score
A_string, B_string, C_string, D_string, count, score, over_all_score = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
print "Timer Restarted"#,timer.is_running()

def exit_button():
print clear

# define event handler for timer with 0.1 sec interval
def timer_handler():
global started, count
#print "counter running",started
if started == "Yes":
count += 1

# define draw handler
def draw_handler(canvas):
global score, over_all_score
canvas.draw_text(str(A_string) + ":" + str(B_string) +
str(C_string) + "." + str(D_string) ,
(100, 130), 50, 'White')
canvas.draw_text("Score: " + str(score) + "/" + str(over_all_score), (210, 20), 20, 'Red')

# create frame
frame = simplegui.create_frame('StopWatch Game!', 300, 200)
timer = simplegui.create_timer(100, timer_handler)
# register event handlers
frame.add_button('Start', start_button,70)
frame.add_button('Stop', stop_button,70)
frame.add_button('Reset', reset_button, 70)
frame.add_button('Exit', exit_button, 50)
# start frame
print "Global Timer is running:",timer.is_running()
# Please remember to review the grading rubric
