I have been spending quite some time learning python for the past few months from text processing to game development using simplegui. And I must say for a person that always thought in C, I find Python completely straight forward and an easy but high level language.
As my journey to Python continues, This weeks project was a memory game.
Although it does have a couple of bugs in it, for instance keeping the high score and and and...

# 'Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python' Course
# RICE University - https://class.coursera.org/interactivepython-005
# by Joe Warren, John Greiner, Stephen Wong, Scott Rixner
# Mini-project for this week is the implementation of a card game - Memory.
# Concentration, also known as Memory,
# is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface
# and two cards are flipped face up over each turn.
# The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards.
# Concentration can be played with any number of players or as solitaire
# and is an especially good game for young children,
# though adults may find it challenging and stimulating as well

__author__ = "Mpho Mphego"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.14 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2014/10/25 21:57 $"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2014 Mpho Mphego"
__url__ = "http://www.codeskulptor.org/#user38_QZuBkN6aVN_14.py"
__license__ = "Python"

import simplegui
import SimpleGUICS2Pygame.simpleguics2pygame as simplegui
# To run simplegui in idle python, install SimpleGUICS2Pygame module
# download module : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SimpleGUICS2Pygame
import random

def init():
""" Initializing Global variables"""
global range_of_cards, exposed, exited, count, Turns, reveal_card
global click_counter, game_won, restart_game, restart_count, counter#, Best_turn, Best_time
counter = 0
Turns = 0
click_counter = 0
count = 0
restart_count = 0
exited = False
game_won = False
restart_game = False

def new_game():
global range_of_cards, exposed, exited, count, Turns, reveal_card
global click_counter, game_won, restart_game, restart_count, counter, Best_turn, Best_time

range_of_cards = [ i for i in range(8)] + [ i for i in range(8)]
#print range_of_cards
exposed = [False for i in range(16)]
reveal_card = list()
"""Game still needs some work on keeping the hi score and best time"""
Best_turn = "0"
Best_time = "0:00.0"

def mouseclick(pos):
global click_counter, exposed, Turns, game_won

if click_counter == 0:
exposed[pos[0]//50] = True
click_counter += 1
Turns = 1

elif click_counter == 1:
if not (pos[0]//50 in reveal_card):
click_counter = 2

exposed[pos[0]//50] = True

if not (pos[0]//50 in reveal_card):
if range_of_cards[reveal_card[-1]]!=range_of_cards[reveal_card[-2]]:
click_counter = 1
Turns += 1
exposed[pos[0]//50] = True

if exposed == [True for i in range(16)]:
game_won = True
#counter = 0
counter = 0

return Turns

def draw(canvas):
global range_of_cards, exposed, exited, count, Turns
global click_counter, game_won, restart_game, restart_count, newgame
global counter, Best_turn, Best_time

label.set_text("Turns = " + str(Turns))
if exited == False:
label2.set_text("Timer: " + format(counter))
# if Best_turn > str(Turns):
# label3.set_text("High Score = " + str(Best_turn))
# label4.set_text("Best Time: " + str(Best_time))

for i in range(16):
canvas.draw_polyline([[50*(i%50 + .5) , 80], [50*(i%50 + .5) , 170], [50*(i%50 + .5), 100]], 45, 'White')
canvas.draw_text("Time:" + format(counter), (550, 50), 50, 'Black')
canvas.draw_text("No. of Turns: " + str(Turns), (10, 50), 50, 'Black')

if exposed[i]:
canvas.draw_polyline([[50*(i%50 + .5) , 80], [50*(i%50 + .5) , 170], [50*(i%50 + .5), 100]], 45, 'Green')
canvas.draw_text(str(range_of_cards[i]), (50*(i%50 + .2), 140), 54, 'White', 'monospace')
if exposed == [True for i in range(16)]:
game_won = True

#if counter > 4 :game_won = True;timer.stop() #debugging
if game_won == True:
for i in range(16):
restart_count += 1
canvas.draw_polyline([[50*i , 0], [50*(i+1) , 120], [50*i, 100]], 200, 'White')
canvas.draw_text("Congradulations!!!", (185, 60), 35, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text("You won the game", (210, 90), 35, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text("In " + str(Turns) + " Turns.", (250, 120), 35, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text("Time: " + format(counter), (225, 150), 35, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text(str(__copyright__), (615, 175), 12, 'Red', 'sans-serif')
game_won = False
Best_time = format(counter)
Best_turn = str(Turns)

if restart_count > 10000:
restart_count = 0

if exited == True:
#print timer.is_running()
if timer.is_running() == False: timer.start()

for i in range(16):
canvas.draw_polyline([[50*i , 0], [50*(i+1) , 120], [50*i, 100]], 200, 'White')
canvas.draw_text("Game created by " + str(__author__), (30, 55), 45, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text("Thank you for playing", (100, 100), 45, 'Black', 'monospace')
canvas.draw_text("Please wait...", (250, 150), 35, 'Red', 'monospace')

#print "Please wait ", counter # debugging
if counter > 30:
#print Best_turn
#print Best_time

def tick():
global counter
counter += 1
#print counter

def format(value):
#print str(A)+":" + str(B) +str(C)+ "."+str(D)
return str(A)+":" + str(B) +str(C)+ "."+str(D)

def exit_game():
global exited, count
exited = True

# create frame and add a button and labels
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Memory", 800, 180)
timer = simplegui.create_timer(100, tick)
frame.add_button("Restart Game", new_game)
frame.add_button("Exit Game", exit_game)
label = frame.add_label("Turns = 0")
label2 = frame.add_label("Time: 0:00.0")
label3 = frame.add_label("High Score = 0")
label4 = frame.add_label("Best Time: 0:00.0")

# register event handlers
# get things rolling

# Always remember to review the grading rubric