I have always been a fan of cloud storage as anything can happen on my mechanical harddrive, but now that I have completely migrated to Ubuntu and having to realise that the is no support whatsoever for Google drive applications, I was on a quest to find a working and reliable on. Then I stumbled upon Google Drive Ocamlfuse which is a FUSE filesystem backend for Google Drive which you can use to mount your Google Drive under Linux.

Link: https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse


[sourcecode language="bash"]
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse



[sourcecode language="bash"]

Make sure you are connected to the internet as this will open your browser and require access to your Google Drive. Click "Allow" and this will give the application access to your files.


Now we mount GDrive to your system.


[sourcecode language="bash"]
mkdir -p ~/Google_Drive
google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/Google_Drive

That's about it, unless you want to be heroic and modify changes in the configuration file which is  here:

[sourcecode language="bash"]


To mount Google Drive upon startup, run:

[sourcecode language="bash"]
crontab -e

and insert

[sourcecode language="bash"]
@reboot google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/Google_Drive

Or go here: https://github.com/astrada/google-drive-ocamlfuse/wiki/Automounting
