So, I've been battling with updating my node.js via apt-get, for some apparent reason seems like they've discontinued updates or maybe I've been doing it wrong all along - who knows.

But I found a way to bypass apt-get and go back to the basics.
Note: This assumes that the latest release is node-v7.4.0, else you can go to and get the required build.

This assumes the Raspberry Pi is running Rasbian - Jessie

[sourcecode language="bash"]
# Download Node.js source Raspberry Pi Model A, B, B+ and Compute Module

wget -qO- | tar xvz
cd node-v7.4.0*

# Raspberry Pi 2 Model B

wget | tar xzv
cd node-v7.4.0-linux-armv7l

# and lastly
sudo cp -Rv * /usr/local/

# That's it! To check Node.js is properly installed and you have the right version, run the command:

node -v
