I write about

    Include eps in Latex

    Recently I wanted to include a directed graph in a LaTeX doc­u­ment. unfortunately I couldn't import an svg file to my document. So which meant I had to find another alternative method rather than converting the file to any other image format to avoid rasterization. $ sudo apt-get install inkscape $ inkscape -z image.svg image.eps --export-eps=image.eps to receive the EPS(Encapsulated Postscript Vector graphics) file which I wanted to include in LaTeX.... [Read More]

    How to mount Google Drive on your Linux(Ubuntu) system

    I have always been a fan of cloud storage as anything can happen on my mechanical harddrive, but now that I have completely migrated to Ubuntu and having to realise that the is no support whatsoever for Google drive applications, I was on a quest to find a working and reliable on. Then I stumbled upon Google Drive Ocamlfuse which is a FUSE filesystem backend for Google Drive which you... [Read More]

    GitHub Repo creation via CLI

    I am so excited after creating my first repository on github and successfully adding some test files to it from my local machine! But due to my limited internet connection, I stumbled upon some diffulties. It took me a lot of time and effort, and there were actually a few times when I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it. It took me hours, and that is not... [Read More]

    The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

    While browsing around the Interweb I found a little python poem - Words to-live-by in this world of Pythoning/Pythonian/Pythonization/Pythology or whatever its called. >>> import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough... [Read More]
    Tags: python

    Guide to Installing and Running MiniDLNA on an Ubuntu Server

    I have recently been experimenting with running MiniDLNA on a headless Ubuntu Server. I have written this guide to hopefully take some of the pain out of installing and configuring an amazing program. "minidlna - lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV server targeted at embedded systems" [sourcecode] sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install minidlna [/sourcecode] Once this is installed, you need to configure the MiniDLNA conf file located at /etc/minidlna.conf. My... [Read More]

    Android WebView App (to Apache server)

    Yippyyyy!!! Just successfully created my first Android App. So I have been playing around recently with modifications, improvements and configurations on my current project - "Smart Home using Raspberry Pi & Android with Voice Recognition." I have been thinking of implementing a simple Android application which directly opens up URL, rather than going to my browser each and every time I need to access the web control server(Apache2). So one... [Read More]

    Smart Doorbell using RPi with voice and email notification.

    Part of my project involves having a doorbell, I figured a simple doorbell whereby a visitor just presses a button and then it rings/ notify whoever is it the house, That's not really creative in my point of view. So I then decided why not have a doorbell that not only rings when the button is pressed but also tell you someone is at the door and then sends you... [Read More]

    RPi enabling I2C communication

    I have considered to use a combination of an Arduino Uno and RPi for my Home Automation Project. After vigorous research(Googling of cause) on how I am to interface the two, I came to a conclusion that using I2C was the best option as compared to using UART(which required Logic Level Switching as the RPi runs on 3V3 and Arduino on 5V), or as compared to USB communication. The idea... [Read More]
    Tags: I2C I2C bus