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    Installing Docker on Ubuntu and how to use it without sudo

    Installing Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 and how to use it without sudo Maybe you have heard about Docker, used to package your applications and services into a standardized unit which can be shipped and executed easily without external dependencies in every environment. In this post I want to show you how to install it in an easy way Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and also how to run it without use it... [Read More]

    Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux

    Zedboard - Setting up a ARM development environment in Linux Well now that you have your Zedboard up and running with Petalinux installed, and your network is configured to talk to the outside world, let's get some code running on this thing! First some environmental comments. I am a big fan of Xubuntu. I like it's feel and it's ease of use when it comes to installing packages using the... [Read More]

    Configure IPython5 to have IPython3's readline, tab-completion, (lack-of) syntax highlighting, etc? (self.IPython)

    Configure IPython5 to have IPython3's readline, tab-completion, (lack-of) syntax highlighting, etc? (self.IPython) Like most programmer's I do not like change especially library changes, hence why I had to revert the latest IPython tab-completion back to the previous versions. Start by creating a default iPython profile. From your shell, type: $ ipython profile create That should give output similar to this: [ProfileCreate] Generating default config file: u'/home/user/.ipython/profile_default/ipython_config.py' [ProfileCreate] Generating default config... [Read More]

    Best way to find direct download links of any media

    Best way to find direct download links of any media Disclaimer Notice: This post does not endorse piracy. It's purpose is merely educational. We all know that everyone love convinience, by that I mean having to watch your favorite movie, series or let alone listen to your favorite tunes. But getting hold of those contents in this day of age has became cumbersome. I mere Google search of a movie... [Read More]
    Tags: Tricks

    How to mount remote SSHFS via SSH Tunneling!

    How to mount remote SSHFS via SSH Tunneling! sshfs is very handy for mounting remote directories on your local filesystem. Recently I needed to mount the / directory off a remote server so I can remotely work from home without complicating everything by ssh'ng then vim my code - Painful exercise. All that is needed is to copy the code below to a file and chmod +x it. #!/bin/bash if... [Read More]

    Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory.

    Automagically execute a bash function/cmd upon entering a directory. After growing tired of sourcing Petalinux/Yocto-project settings everytime I needed to create/config a project, I decided to compile a script/code that resides under my ~/.bashrc , the only thing the code/script does it automagically source my settings upon entering the directory else it will just list the contents of that directory. source $HOME/.opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.2/settings64.sh export YOCTODIR=$HOME/Documents/Xilinx/EmbeddedLinux/Yocto/poky export PETADIR=$HOME/Documents/Xilinx/EmbeddedLinux/Petalinux function cd { #... [Read More]

    Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3

    Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation on Ubuntu 16.04.3 The user guide for Xilinx PetaLinux 2017.2 installation is UG1144. It is best used together with Xilinx Vivado 2017.2 version (see my last post about how to install Vivado). More info about PetaLinux embedded OS can be found on Xilinx Products page, and on the Xilinx Wiki site. Firstly, we will to the Xilinx Downloads page to obtain the installer. Select version 2017.2 on the left sidebar. Choose “PetaLinux 2017.2... [Read More]

    My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board.

    My first experience with the ZedBoard SoC board. I recently registered my Masters and part of my research includes the use of an FPGA for real-time network communications between smart grids. So I am faced with 2 things - learning a new environment as well as a different engineering field which is Power Systems. Coming from an Electronics and Computer engineering background this seemed like an obstacle but worry not. I... [Read More]

    How do I change the hostname without a restart?

    How do I change the hostname without a restart? Without restart: Update new hostname sudo vim /etc/hostname also update sudo vim /etc/hosts accordingly sudo sysctl kernel.hostname=mynewlocalhost When done check your current hostname with hostname -f

    Docker: Remove all images and containers

    Docker: Remove all images and containers Problem: You use Docker, but working with it created lots of images and containers. You want to remove all of them to save disk space. Solution: Warning: This will destroy all your images and containers. It will not be possible to restore them! Run those commands in a shell: # Delete all containers $ sudo docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) # Delete all images $ sudo docker rmi $(docker images -q) This solution... [Read More]