Docker: Remove all images and containers Problem: You use Docker, but working with it created lots of images and containers. You want to remove all of them to save disk space. Solution: Warning: This will destroy all your images and containers. It will not be possible to restore them! Run those commands in a shell: # Delete all containers $ sudo docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) # Delete all images $ sudo docker rmi $(docker images -q) This solution...
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I write about
Create a global git commit hook
Create a global git commit hook Recently found out about these git hooks and they work flawlessly but my only worry was that I had to copy all my hooks over every repo such that I could use them, which was a pain sometimes. Then started reading about this so called global git hooks, and found a fix. Usually the default template library is found at /usr/share/git-core/templates and we are going to...
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Why am I getting 'Errno(105): No buffer space available' when subscribing to multicast addresses?
Why am I getting "Errno(105): No buffer space available" when subscribing to multicast addresses? I have been experiencing multicast subscription errors on my linux box when trying to subscribe to more that 20 IP's via smcroute and Python-Socket module. See below image to get an idea of the kind of errors I was getting, after multiple Googling attempts I finally found a fix. Linux OS, limit the number of multicast...
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Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
Well this came in very handy.
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
Append following code to /$HOME/.bashrc
function mkdir{
command mkdir $1 && cd $1
Then, execute .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced!
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced! ----Simplified explanation---- Here's how to use git bisect , step-by-step! Step 1: Find a commit where things were working. ... Step 2: Find a commit where things are not working. ... Step 3 - N: Use git bisect to find the problem commit. ... Step 4: Get back to a working state. Using Git bisect to figure out when...
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How to ignore files only locally in git?
How to ignore files only locally in git? I have automated tests running everyday, and the issue is that those tests make necessary changes to certain files depending on which test is running. This becomes a problem when I have to report the changes in the repo, as this will report untracked changed, which means I have to ignore certain files such that local Git doesn't report changes in them specifically....
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How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]?
How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]? You can do this fairly easily without git rebase or git merge --squash. In this example, we'll squash the last 3 commits. If you want to write the new commit message from scratch, this suffices: git reset --soft HEAD~3 && git commit If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the...
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Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper]
Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper] Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to building a low-cost offline home automation or appliance automation by means of re-purposing old and unused smartphones by means of exploiting low-level sensors such as an accelerometer, microphone, GPS, and temperature. It takes information about the surrounding environment through the low-level sensors from a smartphone's sensor(s) and uploads it directly to...
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Diagnosing LAN Speeds
Diagnosing LAN Speeds After having network issues/degradation while trying to access a work server, I had to diagnose the network the server is connected to. I had to set myself on a mission - and after realising that the seems to be very limited tools for such things, I stumbled upon 'iperf'. Iperf is a command-line tool used in the diagnostics of network speed issues, it measures the maximum network...
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