Create a global git commit hook Recently found out about these git hooks and they work flawlessly but my only worry was that I had to copy all my hooks over every repo such that I could use them, which was a pain sometimes. Then started reading about this so called global git hooks, and found a fix. Usually the default template library is found at /usr/share/git-core/templates and we are going to...
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I write about
Why am I getting 'Errno(105): No buffer space available' when subscribing to multicast addresses?
Why am I getting "Errno(105): No buffer space available" when subscribing to multicast addresses? I have been experiencing multicast subscription errors on my linux box when trying to subscribe to more that 20 IP's via smcroute and Python-Socket module. See below image to get an idea of the kind of errors I was getting, after multiple Googling attempts I finally found a fix. Linux OS, limit the number of multicast...
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Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
Installing Broadcom Wireless Drivers on HP530 running Xubuntu
Well this came in very handy.
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
[Cool trick] Shortcut to mkdir and cd to it!
Append following code to /$HOME/.bashrc
function mkdir{
command mkdir $1 && cd $1
Then, execute .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced!
Using Git bisect to find out when a bug was introduced! ----Simplified explanation---- Here's how to use git bisect , step-by-step! Step 1: Find a commit where things were working. ... Step 2: Find a commit where things are not working. ... Step 3 - N: Use git bisect to find the problem commit. ... Step 4: Get back to a working state. Using Git bisect to figure out when...
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How to ignore files only locally in git?
How to ignore files only locally in git? I have automated tests running everyday, and the issue is that those tests make necessary changes to certain files depending on which test is running. This becomes a problem when I have to report the changes in the repo, as this will report untracked changed, which means I have to ignore certain files such that local Git doesn't report changes in them specifically....
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How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]?
How can I merge two or more Git commits into one[locally and remote]? You can do this fairly easily without git rebase or git merge --squash. In this example, we'll squash the last 3 commits. If you want to write the new commit message from scratch, this suffices: git reset --soft HEAD~3 && git commit If you want to start editing the new commit message with a concatenation of the...
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Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper]
Repurpose Old Smartphones for Home Automation by Turning Sensors into Signals [Paper] Abstract: This paper proposes an approach to building a low-cost offline home automation or appliance automation by means of re-purposing old and unused smartphones by means of exploiting low-level sensors such as an accelerometer, microphone, GPS, and temperature. It takes information about the surrounding environment through the low-level sensors from a smartphone's sensor(s) and uploads it directly to...
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Diagnosing LAN Speeds
Diagnosing LAN Speeds After having network issues/degradation while trying to access a work server, I had to diagnose the network the server is connected to. I had to set myself on a mission - and after realising that the seems to be very limited tools for such things, I stumbled upon 'iperf'. Iperf is a command-line tool used in the diagnostics of network speed issues, it measures the maximum network...
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Jenkins - Add Color to Console Output
Jenkins - Add Color to Console Output
Jenkins console output is place where you can spend decent amount of time trying to figure out what went wrong (or perhaps right?).
AnsiColor plugins gives you opportunity to color monochromatic Jenkins console output.
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