I write about

    How I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Jekyll

    Why migrate in the first place? I have always been using Wordpress to host and publish my blog post, with no custom domain the whole idea of paying $8 per month was just foreign to me. The idea of monetization and being able to install plug-ins has always been in the back of my head especially with my blog stats at over 16000 hits, that would make me rich -... [Read More]

    First post!

    This is my first post, I’m moving from my mmphego.wordpress,com blog to GitHub pages now. It has been very exciting since I started developing it, soon I’ll add new posts here as well as some of my older ones too. Watch out this space for more!

    How I got rid of the dreaded 'Too many open files' ERROR.

    How I got rid of the dreaded 'Too many open files' ERROR. One of the most frustrating thing about continuous integration namely Jenkins, is getting to work in the morning with a happy smile expecting a successful Jenkins build and being faced with the dreaded errors/ or system failures. Not forgetting that these builds take about 3-5 hours to run and run on actual hardware and in real-time/ Going through... [Read More]

    SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port

    SSH Tunnel: channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port I was attempting to use SSH to set up a tunnel to my Jenkins server from home, so I typed the following (Like I do in most days): ssh -f -N -L 8080:remote_host:8080 -p 2222 user@host_address …only to be greeted with the error: bind: Address already in use channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 8080 Whats odd is that I was sure I didn't... [Read More]

    Installing Docker on Ubuntu and how to use it without sudo

    Installing Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 and how to use it without sudo Maybe you have heard about Docker, used to package your applications and services into a standardized unit which can be shipped and executed easily without external dependencies in every environment. In this post I want to show you how to install it in an easy way Docker on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and also how to run it without use it... [Read More]